Chevron Lobby Experience

Lobby Immersive Experience

Fivestone was approached by Houston based design firm, PDR, to help elevate several digital media touchpoints in the newly designed Chevron Houston Headquarter lobby. Partnering with Electrosonic for AV design and conceptualization, we delivered two key digital activations: a large-format LED video wall hosting a customized interactive globe, and a projection-mapped realtime river that flows across the floors of the elevator lobby.

Lobby Immersive Experience

Interactive Globe

The Chevron New Energies (CNE) large-format touch interactive provides an immersive experience for visitors to explore CNE’s current low carbon initiatives through an interactive realtime 3D globe. Visitors navigate around a multi-nodal interface to discover CNE’s efforts in CCUS, hydrogen, renewables, carbon offsets, and emerging technologies across various regions. The interactive experience aims to educate and inspire visitors by illustrating CNE’s role in driving positive change on a global scale.


Technical Details: A PIXERA two serves our custom web application to a 32″ Elo Touch and a 135″ LED display. Visitors interact with the 32″ Elo Touch, which drives the visuals on the larger 135″ LED display. The web application was developed with TypeScript using React and MapBox.

View Demo (desktop only)

Immersive River

The Fivestone team was tasked with creating an immersive ‘river’ in CNE’s elevator lobby space. Through carefully crafted floor projections and soundscapes, our team utilized a combination of depth sensor fusion, game engine technology, and custom weather API software to make the space responsive to visitors’ movement as well as to sync with the actual weather outside and seasonal changes.


When visitors step out of the elevator, they step into a flowing stream that splashes and responds to their movement. By connecting our realtime rendered environment to a national weather database, our installation can reflect the general weather outside of the CNE lobby.


This project not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of the elevator lobby but also provides occupants with a unique and engaging experience, reinforcing CNE’s commitment to creating sustainable, ever cleaner energies for the world.


Technical Details: A PIXERA four blends 5 Panasonic 10,000 lumen Laser Projectors for a combined surface area for 5040 x 1920 pixels. Three Microsoft Azure Kinects were distributed across the 30′ long by 10′ wide lobby hallway. Fivestone’s custom sensor fusion application took depth data from each Kinect sensor and combined them into one large canvas that tracked visitor’s movement throughout the space. Unreal Engine 5 was used to create the realtime 3D environment and effects.


Our team is world-class, demonstrating our commitment to bringing our A game to every engagement. Here are a few of our allies that helped craft this project.
Executive Producer
Traylor Woodall
Erin O'Hara
Director of Innovation
Justin Eslinger
Art Director
Ron Edelen
Cody Parnell
Technical Director
Kevin Harkness
Unity Developer
Darko Stanimirovic
Unreal Technical Artist
Nathan Ralph
Unreal Technical Artist
Connor Ledwidge
Sound Designer
Carson Carr

Johnson Controls Inc

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